
Stubborn RAM Publishing simplifies the journey from writer to published author. Check out our recent release by Saint Baker.

Title: The Plight Is Real

Book overview:

$8.99 – Paperback (1st Ed.)

Ram forward

Besides providing traditional publishing services, we can offer unique perks like free ISBN assignment, Amazon listing, layout formatting, and press release. We connect our authors with talented freelance graphic designers specializing in book cover design, ensuring your book not only reads well but also visually stands out. 

Stubborn RAM Publishing is a haven for aspiring authors, and we proudly give preference to previously rejected works. We believe that rejection is an inevitable outcome for many, when considering the percentage of aspiring authors seeking a partnership with the available presses, and not a reflection of the quality of his/her/their work.

We reward the stubborn pursuit to become a published author.


We believe in your stories, and we give preference to previously rejected works.



Cover Design


Print Formatting


Digital Formatting




Line editing


ISBN Assignment


Structural Feedback


Marketing Strategies


Distribution strategies



Stubborn RAM publishing is a newly established independent publisher with a modest track record, currently representing two clients and with one book pending publication.

We look forward to leaving a significant mark in the literary world. We’re committed to helping our authors achieve  their dreams of seeing their work in print, and we’re dedicated to bringing a multitude of diverse, fascinating stories to readers worldwide.

"Transformed my manuscript into a beautifully published book. Highly recommended!"

on Stubborn RAM Publishing

"Exceptional service, they made my publishing journey effortless and exciting."

Ali Sayed on Stubborn RAM Publishing

"Stubborn RAM took my book from dream to reality. Grateful!"

Dj Porag on Stubborn RAM Publishing


CS Patra is the Amazon bestselling author of several book series, which include “The Reaper’s Apprentices”, “Operation: Genome”, “Cirque Macabre”, “Portman’s Creamery mysteries”, “The Patterns & Parallels Saga”, “Ghosts of Burning Inn”, “The Flavors of Love”, and the Upcoming book “Afterlife Bridge” brought to you by Stubborn Ram Publishing.

She is fond of writing many LGBT stories and stories focused on POCs. Her favorite thing to write is memorable female characters in difficult situations. 


“Stubborn RAM publishing is committed to making publishing pain-free; they don’t just publish books – they breathe new life into previously rejected works.”

Other books

The Plight is Real

Lovers Belong in Straitjackets

Afterlife Bridge

Lovers Belong in Straitjackets

Upcoming book!

Pre-order will be available here!


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